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Ranking of ads:

You’ll be able to sort these ads by publication date, user rating, display duration, delivery deadline, total price of product(s) or by commission.

Sort by publication date: This is the default value for sorting. By pressing it, you’ll get the latest ads to the oldest (from the most recent to the oldest). You can reverse this ranking by pressing the Switch key in the top right-hand corner.

Sort by user rating: Pressing this button will display the ads ranked from the highest-rated users to the lowest-rated users. Ratings are based on whether or not other users like the ad. Users who are not rated will be ranked last. You can reverse this ranking by pressing the Switch key in the top right-hand corner.

Sort by display duration: This is the classification by ad acceptance deadline. Once the acceptance deadline has passed, or someone else has accepted the ad, you will no longer see it. By clicking on « Display duration » you’ll see a ranking of ads that will soon be unavailable to ads that still have time to accept them. You can reverse this ranking by pressing the Switch key in the top right-hand corner.

Sort by delivery date: Pressing this will sort the ads with the closest delivery date to the ads with the furthest delivery date. You can reverse this ranking by pressing the Switch key in the top right-hand corner.

Sort by total price of product(s): This is the descending order of ads by the total price of the product(s) requested. You can specify a maximum total price in the notch below the total price. You can reverse this ranking by pressing the Switch key in the top right-hand corner.

Sort by Commission: This is the descending order of ads by deliveryman’s commission (your commission). You can specify a minimum commission in the notch below the commission. You can reverse this ranking by pressing the Switch key in the top right-hand corner.